
Laboratory of Fluids and Thermal Engines

The Thermal Fluids and Engines Laboratory is located in the MN2 building, opened in 2011. It is a laboratory that has a long tradition at the school and its creation dates back to the late 70s with the assembly of an engine laboratory and later, at the beginning of the 90s, Fluid Mechanics equipment was incorporated, giving rise to the current laboratory.


This laboratory is used in the teaching of the following subjects:

  • Fluid Mechanics (Degree in Automotive Engineering)

  • Thermal Design (Degree in Automotive Engineering)

  • Fluid Dynamics (Degree in Mechanical Engineering)

  • Thermal Engineering (Degree in Mechanical Engineering)


Work is carried out on the evaluation of characteristic curves of thermal engines and evaluation of heat pumps


Others activities

  • Activities to promote the Degree in Automotive Engineering and the Degree in Mechanical Engineering

  • Pneumatics and Hydraulics courses aimed at high school students from various institutes in the region